Thanksgiving at Cindy and Tom's was wonderful!!!! It was so great seeing all the kids. And when I mean kids I mean high functioning independent young adults. I could go on long about how proud I am of each and everyone for how they have found their passions and pursued their dreams...but I'll leave it at I love them all and wish them continued success in their pursuit of life's adventure!!
Melissa & Eric |
Stacey, Chris, Cindy & Jessie |
Evan & MMM-MMM Good Smoked Turkey |
Sad Dom & Stacey |
Dom imitation |
Corey & Chris |
Three highlights I need to mention. First, Evan & Kari are engaged!!!! They are so perfect for each other! Chris and I wish them all the happiness we have had in 30 years of wedded bliss plus way more!! (If that is possible)
Yes! I think it is!! |
Second, so great to see Jessica, Corey and Meg! We miss them so much!!
Desert Makers - Kari, Meg & Dom |
Third, but really the best highlight, DOMINIC!!! He has changed soooo much!! How big he's grown and how much he's learned! Not surprising given his parents love and guidance.
Cannot move on without again thanking Cindy and Tom for hosting Thanksgiving! It was perfect...except for the snow!
Great mole hunter!! |
So back to our Tensaw River mooring! I had mentioned earlier how surprised I was to make such quick and deep friendships on this trip. The downside of that...saying goodbye. Les & Tommy have been very generous with their time, home, friends and...their friendship!! They have invited us to stay the winter...but we have a path to travel. Speaking of a great time and friends, Les & Tommy asked their friend Wayne to help us chart a path down the Tensaw threw a tight shallow area on his 'party barge'!! Some interesting sights we saw...
Party Barge |
Wayne, Les, Tommy & Chris |
Oops!! |
So off we go! On to the next adventure!! On the way to Mobile we continue to see interesting sights as we approach civilization. Mobile is the first major port that we have seen...I remember Chris reading it was the eighth largest in the US.
Navy's new Cats |
Navy Cat on sea trials. |
Our next stop, Turner Marine in Dog River (about 10 miles south of Mobile). What did we find...our mast!!! And more Loopers!!!! After a dinner with the latter we have spent the last three days unpacking and rigging the former. Early tomorrow morning we step it and become a real sailboat again!!! Yeah!!!!! The only thing more exciting is...Jessie and Kevin are arriving tomorrow too!!! They will be with us a week as we find our way across the ICW. More on that later.
Love that great big smile on Bill's face!