Friday, September 14, 2012

Back On Track!!

Since Labor Day a lot has happened.  Unfortunately not all of it good…

Catmandu gets a short mast!  To hold the radar, TV, Internet and VHF antennas I put up a ‘mailbox post.’  Thanks Steve for cutting pieces and boxing up the mast step.  It took three days to wire and construct but it functions perfectly…even though it looks, well, ugly.  A lot like me!!

Uncle Jake passes away.  Same day as mast completion we learned of my Uncle Jake’s death.  We rented a car and returned to MI for his funeral.  Much was said about him but he will aways be remembered for his smile, good nature, helping hands and unique character.  He meant a lot to me.  The world has lost a good guy.  Like most funerals the good part is meeting friends you haven’t seen in a while.  Plus the added benefit of visiting the Detroit Finnish Summer Camp…where I grew up!

Uncle Jake buried with military honor at Great Lakes National Cemetery
Mark Jacobson & Brother Joe

Me & Maryann Solan

Del & Kerry Aho

Diving tower at Sun Lake.  Can't believe we use to play
ball tag and dive of the top rail!!

Mark's family take the plunge!!

Anita & Andrew pose on Third

View of Sun Lake

View of Joe, Maddie, and Candi

Joe lusting for new title!
View of Loon Lake
Deck is a nice addition!

Our old Camp...wasn't it red!

One last taste of the Dominator!!  Back to the boat Tuesday to clean off spiders and get organized…again.  Highlight of the day was meeting Dominic, Corey, Meg and Bridged for dinner.  Unfortunately Chris had a cold and wouldn’t hold Dom…fortunately I did not and got double time!!  We will miss you all!

Who likes Grandpa best??

WE ARE OFF!!  Thursday morn we slip our lines at 31st Harbor and say goodbye the Great Lakes.  One more time thru Chicago!  Kind of cloudy and threatening rain (which we didn’t see till tonight) but still spectacular.  A Looper we met later said Chicago was a better skyline to boat thru than NewYork!!  We will make the judgment in a couple of years.

CSSC and Illinois River…a mixture of good and uck!  It will take sometime to get use to shore being so close on BOTH sides!!  We transited the entire stretch to Joliet, including the famed “Twelve Miles of Hell”  seeing three small tows!  Awesome!!!

This is the RR bridge that restricts the height on the CSSC to 17 feet


Where the Calumet joins the CSSC and the beginning
of the 12 miles of Hell!

The Lockport Lock…OMG!!!!  Take the Chicago Harbor Lock and multiply it by 38!  What do you get…OMG!!!  38 foot drop.  Largest of them all!!!  And we got to experience it alone…in the lock…by ourselves!!  Really cool!!!!!

After tying off to floating bollard foot of railing is "head high" from deck. 

Going Down!!

This is the floating bollard

And Down!!

This is the bollard was at the top!

Time to go!!!

Next stop Joliet.  And two treats…a free dock (after Chicago very welcomed)…and we met a group of Loopers!  Most were a half to ¾ thru there adventures.  We took heart in all were still in good spirits, talking to their spouses, and either bumm’n because the end was near or dream’n about their second Loop!!

Bridges at Joliet are 16ft

Cleared by only inches!!!

Tying one on for the night!!

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