Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Birthday + Labor Day =

BURGERTIME!!!!  How do traditions get started?  Over that last bunch of years we have gotten together with Tom & Cindy Burger’s family to celebrate my birthday and Labor Day.  I’m not a conventional kind of guy but this is a tradition I can fully support!!  Our two families have been close growing up and now that we are “grown up” (well, maybe some of you) the bonds are even tighter.  I feel so blessed to have these love ones come so far to continue the tradition!!!

The four-day event started with a boat trip thru the Chicago Harbor Lock and tour of downtown, rainy celebration of my birthday, Sunday party at Meg and Corey’s, ending Monday with another beautiful day touring downtown Chicago.   I will let pictures below tell the tale…


The motor yacht - CATMANDU!!
Chicago Skyline

Cindy & Tom Burger
Kari Hines & Evan Burger

Happy Sailor!!

Evan, Stacey & Tom Burger

Approaching Lock - doors are left of yellow wall

Helmsman don the life jackets!

Hold on tight!

Not that TIGHT!!

Time to wash down boat and crew!!

Goodbye Chicago

We had fun!!!

Well...maybe TOO much fun!!!!!


New crew - Melissa Grix (Eric's girl friend) - Welcome Aboard!

Eric & Tom Burger + Corey

Celebrating my B-Day with a little of Eric's home brew... Cheers!!

Kari gots the touch

Happy Birthday to me at Zapastino's!!

Could life get any better than this?  I don't think sooo!!


Bean-bag throw competition gets serious!!


New Swab - Jenn Collison - Welcome Aboard!! 
Melissa & Eric brighten the Chicago Skyline

Navy Pier

Thru the Harbor Lock again

Goodbye Chicago


  1. Thanks so much for having us out for another great labor day birthday Schoenherr family. We can't wait for next year!

  2. Love the pictures! Thank you guys for having us! It was a great weekend! See you guys at thanksgiving!
