Thursday, August 23, 2012

Where are you?

Been a while since I've blogged (sorry) but in my defense...oh hell with it...I've been lazy!  Let me catch you up.

Per last post we left St Joseph on Sunday bound for New Buffalo.  Well...we got to NB to find none of the slips there were wide enough to take our boat!  How did we determine this?  Not from talking to the ditzzy harbor attendant that told us should not be a problem.  But when we gave it a go and could only fit about a third of the way in before getting stuck between post and dock.  Ugh!!  So given it was a nice day we decided to cross the lake and headed to Hammond, IN.

Hammond is about a mile below the Calumet River...about three miles south of East Chicago.  Plan is to stay here 10 days and prep for the Inland river stage of our trip.  This includes de-masting, erecting a small wooden mast for antennas and seeing lots of Dominic (oh, Meg and Corey too.  As a side a parent we've experienced many stages of our child's lives (and enjoyed all of them).  I hadn't recognized that now they are in the "grandchild delivery" stage!)

Since we're so early to Hammond we rented a car and Tuesday sped (I haven't traveled so fast in a month!) back to Midland for a surprise visit.  Turns out we timed it perfectly to crash Val and Mike Holden's 60th birthday party!! (Happy b-day again!!!)  What a great opportunity to catch up with neighbors and friends.  We also spent time with Cindy and Steve Gould and had a great dinner with my parents and sister.  Not to mention the washing of clothes, the taking of showers without spiders, picking up stuff we forgot...and most of all...sleeping in my bed!  OMG how I've missed you bed!!!  I told Steve he needs to be designing a way to put that king size water bed on the boat!

Ok, we are minutes from "on the road" time back to Hammond.  Trust you all are having as much fun as we are.

Take Care,



  1. So glad that you're keeping us in the Loop! Happy trails to you!

  2. Bill, he has your haircut but way cuter!!
